the hostel in the forest

Sometimes Everythig Goes Wrong and it Makes Everything Right: 2015 in Retrospect

Sometimes Everythig Goes Wrong and it Makes Everything Right: 2015 in Retrospect

If a year ago today you would have asked me if I thought I would be traveling in and out of the United States more in the next year than I had in the past 4 combined, I would have said absolutely not. If you told me I would be going to Central America by myself with a backpack, or making...

The Hostel in the Forest Day 2

The Hostel in the Forest Day 2

Day 2 of my adventure at the Hostel in the Forest! Saturday morning I woke up and to my surprise it was freezing! To everyone else not so much, but to a Florida girl like me it was was! I got out of bed, put on a couple layers of clothes, and the jackets I had with me and walked over to the common area of the Hostel...