
A Letter to the World from an American Traveler

A Letter to the World from an American Traveler

When you leave for a trip abroad the last thing you want to do is immediately get into a heated discussion about the politics of the country you just left. Two of the huge reasons people travel are to open their mind to other cultures and other ways of life and to get a break from your normal daily routine. If Americans can agree on one thing right now after the results of the election, it is that nobody can agree on anything and

Best Hostels in Bocas Del Toro, Panama

Best Hostels in Bocas  Del Toro, Panama

So you're planning your trip to Bocas Del Toro and don't know where to begin. There are so many places to stay it can be overwhelming trying to decide what's best for you, especially if you've never been there before. Well, I have some good news for you, I've been there and with a little help from my friends I've got the ultimate guide on choosing the best hostel possible!

The Truth About Hostels

The Truth About Hostels

One of the ways I’ve saved a lot of money this year when traveling is staying in hostels.  Hostels?? Yup, I’ve stayed in hostels in New Orleans, Georgia, and Miami this year, and have arrangements to stay at many more in the trips I have planned for the rest of the year.  For some reason people seem to have such a hard time...