costa rica

What Draws Me To Travel

What Draws Me To Travel

The greatest part about my trip in Central America can not be specified into a certain place, a specific moment, or one experience. I loved the experience as whole, the people, the places, all of it. One of the things that I loved the most no matter where I was was...

Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica: I'm In Paradise

Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica: I'm In Paradise

My first morning in Puerto Viejo I woke up around 6:00 AM (8:00 AM back home) and the first thing I did was walk directly out the back to look at the ocean.  It was so beautiful, I couldn’t believe...

Central America: What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

Central America: What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

I woke up the morning of my trip full of excitement and energy.  Despite the fact that it was 5:30 AM,  I was blissfully unaware of how long the day of traveling ahead of me was really going to be.  I knew I had a long way to go, but I didn’t understand the reality of the fact...